Saturday, 7 February 2004
I'm at my dads, and I want to fucking go home. I'm not liking it here right now...I'm so sick of this shit...and I don't feel like typing so I'll copy and paste a couple things I said to matt when i was bitching to him... Useful IdiOt0990: he starting flipping out because i didnt sign off fast i went in my room and he got all bitchy because i wasnt out there watching tv with them Useful IdiOt0990: then right befor he went to bed he said "if you dont get that lock out of your ear by morning your going to the hospitol to get it cut off...i dont like it"
PryThirdEye66: what lock? Useful IdiOt0990: alittle one Useful IdiOt0990: i put it in my ear and i lost the key :-X Useful IdiOt0990: but its fine...he only wants it out because he doesnt like it PryThirdEye66: asshole. PryThirdEye66: grr Useful IdiOt0990: he rages against everything i do Useful IdiOt0990: im just about as sick of him as i am the rest of my family PryThirdEye66: you should come live here PryThirdEye66: yup you should Useful IdiOt0990: oh i would PryThirdEye66: lol PryThirdEye66: lala PryThirdEye66: should should should Useful IdiOt0990: i want to Useful IdiOt0990: im so sick of it here PryThirdEye66: yeah. PryThirdEye66: im sick of it here too, but obviously not as much as you are. PryThirdEye66: lol Useful IdiOt0990: lol Useful IdiOt0990: i wouldnt care if my family didnt give me so much shit... Useful IdiOt0990: i cant remember the last time when someone in my family said something nice about me or to me like "oh im proud of you" or "oh good job" its always like "hey look you fucked up again" PryThirdEye66: *hugs* ... Useful IdiOt0990: my dad tried to pull this "your under my rule until your 21" bullshit with me today Useful IdiOt0990: i was like not under your rule DONT have custody of me...i dont have to see you Useful IdiOt0990: sept i didnt say that...i just looked away PryThirdEye66: you should have.
yeah thats the gist of it...bye...thanks for listening to me bitch all the time matt
Posted by xxriotgrl666xx
at 9:42 PM EST
Monday, 26 January 2004
woo...It's like, 11:46 and I'm not tired! ...Yeah I lied! I'm really fucking tired...but Im also really fucking hyper/bored...and all that jazz. I'm jamming out to kataklysm...i just got done listening to ambassadar of pain, and the ressurected, now its on to shadows and dust! yyeeaaahhh *headbangs* ear still feels like it has a phone stuck to it...I wonder who's fault that would be...hmmm...moot! lol...Yup today was all moot...moot fest from like 10 to when ever he went to 10 or something i dont know lol..hey kid feel loved! Yeah I bet you didnt notice that ...Im hyper...WTF? shadows and dust again? twice in a row? I think not! ahh yes much better beyond salvation...yummy... My madre got a new car today w00t...its white...its going to look dirty all the time...i think..hmm maybe not...i dont care though. In july i get to go to florida...and i think im bringing brizzel and fun! i cant wait. I hope i can bring the both of them...yes i do. hmm have you noticed how i always start out typing these things with the correct spelling, capitalazation...and all that crap, then i just get lazy? haha i should be lazy all the time! HOLY FUCKING SHIT i cant wait to see a perfect circle again...its going to be fucking awesome...mmm yes it is. maynard is fucking god like... huh?!?!!? im still missing my journal and now im not worried about it so much im pissed...yes! everyday i shall write about how my journal is missing it shall be "files of the mysteriously missing journal" other wise known as "ftmmj" yeah bye
Posted by xxriotgrl666xx
at 11:55 PM EST
Saturday, 24 January 2004
Yep, I'm at my dads and I'm bored...mucho bored. I want to update my site but I don't know what to add *shrugs*. Yeah I'm starting to like pink floyd alot. Im jamming out to Dark side of the moon...good album. I like it a-lot. I got some stuff for my room...(here at my dads house) I got a cool picasso painting, a couple No band posters no i wont represent lol. Finally! I get a week off of school because I dont have any regions! w00t! But I'm still really fucking scared of failing. I bombed half of the english final and I need to do super good to pass...ugh I'm going to end up staying back for that class, and getting stuck with little painsy kids I hate...grr...fucking A. I wish i braught my bass with me...its a good entertainer when im bored. Oh! I got a new book today and a Death cd! w00t w00t go me. Yeah I'm babbling on about nothing...and I'm sure I'm boring who ever is reading this right now...soo tah tah! and cheerio! lol *giggle giggle giggle*
Posted by xxriotgrl666xx
at 5:39 PM EST
Thursday, 22 January 2004
For once my mood is nuteral. I'm not happy, nor sad, nor any of the other bullshit...wooooo. I have a play tomorrow...w00t fun fun. I hope I do good. If not...oh well, I have no one to impress *shrugs* I still better not fuck up!
So...yeah, I still can't find my fucking journal...I'm mucho pissed...and when I say mucho, I mean mucho grande...(I'm suck a dork...*giggle giggle giggle*) If someone in my fam. finds it I'm screwed...screwed screwed screwed! Well I'm lazy and when ever i write in here...I never remember what I wanted to write...o_O So I'm outie...Oh and yes...I had to say hail...its the new hello(101 rules for black metal...ahahh *giggle* you probably wont get it *shrugs*)
Posted by xxriotgrl666xx
at 10:31 PM EST
Monday, 19 January 2004
...never fucking again
...I'll never go to another bash. I don't like being social as it is, and when I'm at a bash theres always drama and everyone always fucking gangs up on me...yeah well...fuck you. I spent most of the night in Brizzel's room crying my eyes out and the only two people that seemed to care were Chris and Brittany. Not even my so called "best friend" Brizzel K! She didn't come see if i was ok once. my own friends were talking shit about me. And oh! My own baby sister called me a whore...god only know's what else. All because Ashley Brittany Chris Cody, and I wanted to have "relaxation fest 9000". So to them it was "rape fest" or "orgy fest". (yes chris and I made up and were friends...yet every other fucking time. God I can't fucking stay mad at the kid and it makes me sick. But thats another story) So yeah it was drama drama drama...look Tiffany finally fucking cracked again! She's back to her normal uber depressed self...and no one cares. Yet again, I'm all fucking usual. Brittany is uber cool though. She actually cared, and it seemed Chris did too. Not to mention I was beat on this morning(not you chuck-o lol) Yey...majar bruise fest all over my legs, because someone who's name I wont mention seems to hate me right he feels he can be a uber huge ass hole to me...yeah great!
But the bash did have its perks. Aside from all the bad, it was kickass. I mainly hung out with Chris, Jared, Cody, Brittany...not the normal bash crew but kick ass! We had a food fight...yummy(I got alot of cake in my hair), We ran though the snow like idiots with not enough clothes on, Chuck-o and me were "cuddle buddys" lol, and he beat me up playing punch for punch! lol. I also got a big ass fucking cut in my finger because of Chris...but that was funny and he was really sorry. I bled like a mother fucker, and didn't give a fuck. ("oOoOo I'm bleeding" lol brittany) And some more yeah it was a 50/50 fun and bad thing. But still
....never fucking again
Posted by xxriotgrl666xx
at 11:57 AM EST
Sunday, 11 January 2004
*twirls finger* I woke up like "Hello world!, which is unusual. I'm normally like "Fuck you world!". But I woke up happy...yey! I haven't truely been mucho depressed in awhile(not to long though) and I like it. Happy=Good. So hah! Muahahaha I'm so much more hyper when I'm think I was hyper, and weird before, now just wait...*Evil Laugh* muah hahaha!
Posted by xxriotgrl666xx
at 10:33 AM EST
Thursday, 8 January 2004
i haven't written in here for fucking for ever. but hey! here we go! Well the teachers are fucking gay and almost suspended me today because i said FUCK! and the best part was a death threat "ill FUCKING kill her" they only care that i cursed! fucking idiots. OMG LOOK IM SAYING FUCK ...FUCK FUCK FUCKITY FUCK!!!! oh and my moms boy friend is a complete and total douche bag. everytime i have plans to go out...he changes im stuck home EVERY FUCKING TIME. and my mom said that he never changes anything and he does sooooo much for my sister and I. all he does is fix the internet, and i swear if he says something about me messing up in school again...its going to get violent...or i could just bring up something about his son. we all know that kids nothing but a huge fuck up...(ok so maybe you dont, but i do!) well anyways besides all that today was great!
Posted by xxriotgrl666xx
at 5:57 PM EST
Saturday, 27 December 2003
Did you ever fall down that hole, where you feel almost complete nothingness, with a throbbing pain in the background letting you know its there in hiding, and you fear it...yet you dont want anyone to pul you back out?
Posted by xxriotgrl666xx
at 11:46 PM EST
Friday, 26 December 2003
fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck
Never sleep until like 5pm, especially when your used to getting up no later then 9 or 10. It messes with you, I swear. But it was christmas and I did everything in my power to aviod people, and i would have just moped around the house like a pitiful depressed kid. I'm going to aviod the reasons why because i dont want to depress myself now. I'd rather fall asleep with out crying for once. But now its 1:17 and i want to sleep, but i cant. So bored as hell, and iwant to write in my actual journal but nnoooo im to lazy to go get it...yes i am a lazy fuck. and my leg fell asleep grr...I'm going to go...
Posted by xxriotgrl666xx
at 1:18 AM EST
Tuesday, 23 December 2003
another entry for today. Ok well, I'm kind of bummed about not going to tenesse. My dads work fucked it up big time. I was so excited I miss my peoples down there alot, I havent seen my uncle since my grandpa died *tear* oh joy tomorrows christmas eve...this is going to be horrible. When I'm home ill definatly be hibernating, If I can't at least talk to my grandpa I don't want to talk to anyone else....
on the better side of things, I love my bass. I finally learned how to read and write tabs, w00t I'm so happy, I can play "Die Eier Von Satan" by tool...w00t its pretty easy lol, and i was trying to play Iron Man, I'll have that down soon...w00t I'm so proud of myself!!
Posted by xxriotgrl666xx
at 10:47 PM EST
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