Monday, 26 January 2004
woo...It's like, 11:46 and I'm not tired! ...Yeah I lied! I'm really fucking tired...but Im also really fucking hyper/bored...and all that jazz. I'm jamming out to kataklysm...i just got done listening to ambassadar of pain, and the ressurected, now its on to shadows and dust! yyeeaaahhh *headbangs* ear still feels like it has a phone stuck to it...I wonder who's fault that would be...hmmm...moot! lol...Yup today was all moot...moot fest from like 10 to when ever he went to 10 or something i dont know lol..hey kid feel loved! Yeah I bet you didnt notice that ...Im hyper...WTF? shadows and dust again? twice in a row? I think not! ahh yes much better beyond salvation...yummy... My madre got a new car today w00t...its white...its going to look dirty all the time...i think..hmm maybe not...i dont care though. In july i get to go to florida...and i think im bringing brizzel and fun! i cant wait. I hope i can bring the both of them...yes i do. hmm have you noticed how i always start out typing these things with the correct spelling, capitalazation...and all that crap, then i just get lazy? haha i should be lazy all the time! HOLY FUCKING SHIT i cant wait to see a perfect circle again...its going to be fucking awesome...mmm yes it is. maynard is fucking god like... huh?!?!!? im still missing my journal and now im not worried about it so much im pissed...yes! everyday i shall write about how my journal is missing it shall be "files of the mysteriously missing journal" other wise known as "ftmmj" yeah bye
Posted by xxriotgrl666xx
at 11:55 PM EST
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