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And then...

Monday, 8 September 2003

this world sucks....
Err this world is so evil. I strive for uniqueness and acceptence, but the two just aren't compatable! What the hell is wrong with the world? Why are people so judgemental and ignorant? It angers me alot! I am not only depressed bacause of the unwanted chants of "goth" and "freak" in school...i am enraged. I mean come on grow up...since when does someone have to tear someone else down to make themselves feel better? No one seems to give a fuck...I dont know why I even bother to write this bullshit.

Posted by xxriotgrl666xx at 4:45 PM EDT

Friday, 22 August 2003

my day.....
ok well today is august 22nd and im madd confused....but other then that my day was ok...kinda boring. im mad confused abt where i stand with....nvm im not gonna type it here...but neways on to better things i got my spacers today hoo hah hurts like a mother fucker and their madd annoying i wanna take em out but i cant blah....well besides that i got the oct. issue of metal edge great interveiw with phil...I LOVE IT...i love that man hes so my idol if u dont like him FUCK YOU'

Posted by xxriotgrl666xx at 6:03 PM EDT

Tuesday, 19 August 2003

hoo hah
hoo hah...i havent given out the link yet...but hoo hah the first posty thing!!!!

Posted by xxriotgrl666xx at 11:20 AM EDT

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