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And then...

Tuesday, 23 December 2003

I finally,
found something that makes me happy, Seclusion. Not knowing what's going on with people around, not hearing anything from anyone. Although I'm not technically away, I'm happy. People are finally beginning to leave me alone in the house, and I can just stay in my room and keep to myself. I did almost nothing but play my bass and read, I was online for alittle while but not to long. I love isolation. I don't understand why people say its not healthy, I mean to a point yeah I can see it not being, but I'm fine now. There's so much emptiness, but yet not. I love the emptiness, the isolation, I find peace in it...aww I'm so pitiful lol...

Posted by xxriotgrl666xx at 6:34 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 23 December 2003 6:37 PM EST

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