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And then...

Saturday, 13 December 2003

This is he beginning of the diary of Tiffany Fuller(mtv moment) In 11 days I leave for tenesse...I can't wait. I need out of this place, I will make no contact with anyone except Bri and maybe a couple others but i highly doubt it. No one will miss me, I'm sure people will be glad that they get to go with out hearing/seeing me for about a week.
*I want to leave this place so bad. I see no point in anything anymore. I'm 14 and already dead inside...(pathetic). I actually contemplated suicide today, then i thought about brizzel and my sister and i couldnt possibly leave either of them behind....enough said...i cant even type anymore with out crying...hmph and i didnt even get out half of what i had to say*

Posted by xxriotgrl666xx at 8:58 PM EST

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